1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Architecture: The Science of Design:Architecture not only is a form of art, but is a science. There is a lot of planning and brainstorming that occurs before the creation of these buildings. Must think about wind, rain, lightening, temperatures, and more when determining how to build certain buildings. The lower the building, the more winds a pedestrian will feel walking below it. Knowing good location comes in handy before laying the foundations as well. It has to be a safe spot to build. We see a lot of technology in this video in houses, hotels, buildings. This is part of the architecture, for lights, tv, kitchen utilities, etc. We also see what I used to create what we use for structures, like limestone, concrete, cement, slab, etc. Through history we have always used these, even back in the creation of the pyramids.
Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development & Architecture: Our planet is in danger and global warming is real. There needs to be great changes in architecture and our building designs to protect our planet. There are many architects around the world that are trying to use eco friendly and green concept materials. We learn about greener technology, radiation energy from the sun, better materials for environment, etc. Insulation is a better way to save energy, as well as underfloor heating, cooling and ventilation. Underfloor heating saves 15-20% of heating costs. Passive solar energy, roof gardens, underground car park are all different ways of being eco-friendly.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos relate in every way because they explain the various thoughts, actions, and science behind architecture. We notice in the beginning of the text, structural systems in architecture. This consists of construction, post-and-lintel. We see the history behind the arch and vault and domes. Through history we have taken our architectural ideas through those buildings that stood before us. These were made of steel, concrete, limestone, cement, etc. These were all shown in the first video, showing the science and the labor behind it all. A building must be built with the appropriate and correct materials to withstand certain weather conditions, location, capacity, etc. On page 316 we then see sustainability: green architecture. This is similar to the video, Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development & Architecture. Here we see materials used to substitute the harmful ones to our environment. Using solar energy, and doing less damage to the planet.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
Honestly, I think the films are a little old. Things have greatly changed since these videos were made. For instance, technology and architecture, as well as the sustainable development. We have so much more technology now that goes along with the architecture. Our buildings are made differently now we have many more high rises, and we have smarter ideas about protecting our planet. I think they do a good job though of reminding you and making you aware of how much thought and process goes behind architecture and the creation of buildings. From weather conditions, to creating the materials and thinking about how to be greener, there is so much science behind this type of art.
4. Why did you choose the films that you watched?
I chose the films I watched because they seemed the most interesting and informative. The science behind just one building is crazy. I wanted to see how much work actually goes into architecture I think it is really fascinating to see it. Also, the eco-friendly video was nice because I am all for that. I love the planet too and I think more places should consider being more eco friendly and have sustainable development. Protecting our planet is huge and very important. People don’t think about that as much as they should when designing architecture. I think in the future that should be a main goal of our country, and we should start treating this earth better one building at a time.
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